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The Book of Moods by Lauren Martin


Full Transcript

Sari 0:04
I'm Sari, Kimbell and I've done just about everything in the food industry. I have helped hundreds of packaged food business entrepreneurs. And now I want to help you make your delicious dream a reality. Whether you want to be successful at farmer's markets, online, or wholesale on the store shelves, Food Business Success is your secret ingredient. I will show you how to avoid an expensive hobby, and instead run a profitable food business. Now let's jumpin.

Well, hello there. And welcome back to the podcast. I am really glad you're here today. And I'm having this is kind of a meta experience. But today, I want to talk about anxiety and some thoughts I've been having on anxiety. Something I've been seeing, it's like, there's been a trend. I think it's always there. But it's interesting how when I start to look forward, if it's feeling like every all of my clients are working through some anxiety, and it's a common very common issue. I think, especially with women. I don't know exactly why. But I will tell you, I struggle with my own anxiety a lot. And it's something I have gotten a lot of freedom from or through as I have worked through it. And I want to offer some of my thoughts on how I have done that with my own anxiety. But I woke up this morning feeling anxious about recording a podcast on anxiety. I had thoughts like what do people judge me and think that I'm trying to be better than they are? That I'm you know, somehow better than than them? And what if people think like, what does she have? Why is she talking about anxiety, like, I'm not a therapist, I'm not a psychologist, right, I don't have any of those things. So I guess as a model to everyone listening, I will use kind of my own example of anxiety. And I have some other ones for you guys that are very packaged food business related, that I see a lot in my clients. But just now like I'm kind of in it right now, I'm feeling a little anxious. But you know, what I wrote as I I find writing is so helpful, because you can uncover just to what we call a thought download, right? Just get all your thoughts out on paper. Because what I have been finding for me is getting all of my crazytown thoughts on paper helps me to kind of stand back and go, Oh, yeah, of course you're feeling anxious like that, right? Of course, with all of those thoughts in your brain? Yeah, of course, anxiety is where you're at. And what I decided instead intentionally was to think thoughts like, I can help one person. And it's worth it to me to put myself out there and feel a little vulnerable and feel some anxiety come up. And of course, that's normal and natural. But it the importance of being able to help one person move through their anxiety is worth it to me to take those risks. So here I am. living breathing example of taking action doing the hard thing anyway, even when you have anxiety before I go more into this because I think if you struggle at all with anxiety, you are going to really get a lot out of this episode. But I just want to give a huge shout out to two of my clients APR and Earl with better than provisions. I've talked about them a little bit and some some podcasts. We've been on a journey for a year so and they just did a rebrand and things are blowing up in their world. But they left me the most amazing review they posted on their Instagram and leaving the review in various places. So I like was overwhelmed with emotion. I read it and I would love to read it for you here. So they say operating in a packaged food business is is no small feat.

That's right, preach, preach. You probably notice we've been growing and making lots of changes. Much of this is due to the help we received from sorry, a Food Business Success series, an expert in the world of packaged food, and has been instrumental in helping us get our new packaging launched, organizing our financial picture, scaling our ability to produce, and helping us grow into more equipped small business owners. She has helped us not only with logistics, but with the confidence it takes to do hard things. I love that we say that a lot around here, I can do hard things. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to work with and learn from sorry, thank you for all the ways in which you have helped us grow and continue to support us. I have the best job Norrell. so grateful and so fortunate I get to do this work. And I love being here with you today. All right. So without further ado, let's talk about anxiety. So I'm just gonna kind of frame this as like, I'm not an expert, I don't have all the answers. But I do have some thoughts. And I do have my own experience, which is the best teacher of how to move through anxiety. I don't think here's the bad news. It's not something you're ever going to totally get rid of, and nor would you want to write. I mean, think about what the purpose of anxiety is. It is a natural, normal human response that helps to keep us safe, that helps to protect us, right? That's it. It is evolved with us from our caveman days. It is something that has helped us to escape predators to recognize danger to turn on all of the, you know, hormones and get the the heart going and be able to run away from the Tigers or freeze or fight. Right. So it is definitely a part of our survival. And it has helped us to get here to this point, right. But now we're in 2021. And the reality is, anxiety doesn't really serve us very, very well most of the time. But it's, I think it's just good to take a step back and recognize like, nothing's gone wrong here. There's no problem. Anxiety is just a natural normal response. Now, I do think that we have, many of us, myself included, have well worn paths in our brain, right, we have neurons that fire in our brain, that when we start associating anxiety to all of these non dangerous experiences, right, that becomes a habit, neurons that fire together wire together. And I can talk more about that in a future episode. But just trust me that the more you decide to feel anxiety about even the smallest of things, think about the things that you have anxiety over could be a busy schedule. It could be putting yourself out there on social media. It could be opening up and saying something to your partner. Just taking those first steps, like a lot of the things think about the things that give you anxiety are not Tiger worthy, right? They're not rising to the level of truly dangerous. But we have this response that is out of alignment, right? It's not in direct, it doesn't make sense to go to that much anxiety over a lot of things that we're dealing with, right? So if we know it doesn't serve us, I call anxiety, the dream killer, or at the very least is the dream slower downer. It's not really a word, but I like it. Anxiety is what prevents us from taking action, right? And in some ways, we almost use it as a way to buffer and I'm going to talk more a little bit more about feelings in this episode because we uses as a way to avoid feeling something else.

It becomes so normal to us that we just think that is the most appropriate response. But really, it's not. We're trying to avoid something else. So what's the problem? What's the big deal about anxiety? I want you to step back. If you experience anxiety, just step back for a minute. And if you were feeling totally neutral and nothing was, you know, particularly anxious right now. And then I were to kind of place anxiety temporarily on you. It's going to inject you with anxiety. What, what's the big deal? It's, it's a feeling right? And I've talked about a little bit on last episode that feelings are just a vibration in our body. That's it. So So what is all of the anxiety about anxiety? Right? Some of you when I say when I say I'm gonna inject you with anxiety, you probably just got anxiety, thinking about having anxiety. But if you really just stop and just just kind of go through this exercise with me and say, what is it that I feel in my body? When I think about feeling anxiety? For me, it's a tightness in my chest. It's a little bit of a closing in my throat, my heart rate goes up. Right, my I start getting a little buzz, like I feel a little buzzing. And that's exactly how we are designed right to run away from the tiger to have that spurt of energy. And adrenaline, right, that's designed that way on purpose. So what what is the big deal about feeling that like, if you truly were just like, this is temporary, like she's gonna, she's gonna inject me and then three minutes later, it's gonna go away? My face, right? So could you would you be willing to just allow, like, if I know it's going to go away? It's not hanging around. I could feel Yep. tightness. Little buzzing? Heart rate. Okay, maybe Is it warm? Does it feel different for you? Is it like agitation in your body? Like, maybe more? Maybe it's more intense than a buzzing? Is it have a color? Does it feel Jagat or soft? super interesting. To think about our feelings in this way, it gives us a lot of perspective. And so maybe you could be open to the possibility that anxiety is just a vibration in our body. And it's not that big of a deal in and of itself. Now, the problem, it becomes a problem, right? anxiety is not a problem in and of itself. It's normal, it's natural, it's vibrations in our body. The problem is what we think about anxiety. And I know from experience that I often layer on anxiety on top of my anxiety. So I have anxiety about feeling anxiety. And here's what we typically do with emotions. But there's there's four options really. So either we resist them. So we push against it, like no, no, I'm not anxious, I'm not anxious. And we try to we're trying to like hold the door shot, right, or I've been, I've heard a great analogy of like, it's like holding a beach ball underwater. You're just like, really, you're spending a lot of mental even possibly physical energy to resist it. You're reacting to it. Think about what it looks like to react anxiety, like when somebody embodies and anxiety, we start racing around, our thoughts get really hurried, we aren't thinking very clearly. And you know, you're just like, I'm anxious. So I'm gonna like rush to here and rush to here, Russia here, we're going to multitask and then try to feel all of this, get all of this done, right? and solve for the problem. And we like make pretty rash decisions. They're not the most logical we are really reacting to this emotion. Or we avoid it.

And this is very common. I mentioned buffering already. So buffering or avoiding kind of same thing. We don't want to feel anxiety and so we look to other things to avoid it. We possibly overeat or we, over Netflix are we get on Amazon and start shopping, or going physically shopping. We over drink. We're trying To find outside external relief, right to avoid to avoid feeling anxious. And we all know by doing this procrastinating, right, that avoiding does not serve us in any way, because it truly makes it worse later on, then you just have kind of dull anxiety always hanging around in the background, right? And then if you actually let down your guard around the buffering, then you're like, why am I so anxious? Like, the anxiety rears its ugly head, and it might not, you might not even have an issue right then. But anxiety comes up. What we want to do, and the other the fourth option is to allow the anxiety. Again, we place so much extra suffering on top of anxiety, often we have judgment, we have shame. We add in a lot of extra things around our anxiety. So what if we could release the judgment, kind of like we did before, where I inject you with anxiety? And you're like, Okay, I'm not shooting myself. I'm not saying I shouldn't feel this way. I am such an idiot. I can't believe I did that. Right? We are, we're releasing the judgment. And we're just naming it. Like I said, I have a number of clients. Some of you might be like, is she talking about me? And I'm just gonna, like, I'm telling you guys, it's a number of you that I've been talking to have multiple clients going through anxiety. So yes, it probably is you that I'm thinking about right now. But it's also myself. And it's also many of you listening. So if we, so I've given this exercise to a number of you, and I say, can you, what we're want to do is start to allow it and by allowing it, what we do is we name it. This is anxiety, we recognize that like, really anxiety for me, it's just it becomes an awareness tool, like, Oh, yeah, I feel it, it's coming up. What is that? What is that telling me? I can recognize it as a signal that there are some other things that I could be doing. No shoulds. But in the moment, when anxiety comes up, before we can get to the place where we recognize it and kind of cut it off at the pass. Just deeming it, this is anxiety. Can you become kind of the watcher, like it's like split personality a little bit, right? But there's you There's your you and your brain and your body. And then there's you that is watching the anxiety and becoming the observer. So again, can you name it and say, here's how it feels in my body, kind of like I did before. I feel tightness, I feel buzzing, I feel hot. And so as we do that, we're actually allowing the emotion to process through our body. And as you do this, and you can do this with all of your emotions, especially the negative ones, but you can do them with all of them. And maybe you start with smaller ones, right? This is disappointment. This is sadness. This is fear. Maybe those aren't so small, but with any of our emotions, accepting it, naming it, become the watcher, describe it in your body, and just be with it.

Allow it to be there. A good example of kind of a non feeling of like, this is what you wanted me doing. The other day, other morning, I had slept on my arm funny, and I rolled over to turn off the phone alarm. And I was like, ah, jolted right by like that, you know that feeling when your arm falls asleep? And I thought this is what allowing anxiety would be like because I've been thinking about this podcast for a little while. And I just kind of laid there and I was like, Okay, do what you need to do to kind of be as comfortable as possible. Recognizing like, this is uncomfortable. This doesn't feel great. But I had no judgment about it, right? I wasn't like, okay, you're such an idiot. Sorry. Why did you sleep like that? I shouldn't Have asleep arm, right? I mean, that's ridiculous, right? When I say it like that my arm shouldn't be asleep. Of course it should, because I slept on it funny. And I had no idea. So what's, what's the problem? So I just lay there and use this as an exercise to allow it as if it were how it was allowing an emotion. So I just kind of loud said, Okay, my arm is asleep, my arm is asleep. That's not a problem. Unless I think, Oh, my gosh, my arm is asleep. This is a huge problem, right? I know, it's going to go away. Just like all of our feelings, right? Remember, in our 20s, when like, every emotion, all of the bad ones seemed like they would last forever. And now you're here. And you're like, Yeah, I got through it. It didn't last forever. So my arm asleep is not going to last forever. started kind of thinking about the description, like how does it feel in my body? It's like, got this tingle to it. At first, it was really strong. And then I could feel it lessening. I just, I just allowed it no judgement, feeling in my body accept that, like, yep, this is happening. It's not a problem. What's so bad about this? And then, you know, three minutes later, it was fine. No problem, right, I just allowed it to work its way through. So I think that's a great way to kind of like get out of the anxiety, which might be might have anxiety about anxiety. But think about it like that. I'm popping in here, two days later, after recording this. And I woke up on Monday morning, and was just riddled with anxiety, really, really strong, I felt like and it just got worse throughout the day. Even though I did the writing, I did the processing. Sometimes, anxiety just is just there. And it's it can be intense. And I want to offer another tool here that I use this morning. And that is tapping or EFT. And I don't know if you guys have ever heard of this technique. But when I get really anxious when it's really turned up, and it feels like I just can't focus I'm all over the place. I'm feeling that worry and dread and overwhelm that can come with anxiety. And ultimately, I'm sort of sabotaging my day, right? Because I am like in anxiety rather than getting to work and just getting to work on the problem. And then it's not a big deal. I love the tapping solution. And they have a great app that's free. And they have a bunch of free tapping exercises in there. And they have one on anxiety that I did this morning. And it helps tremendously. It's if you've never done it, or you're not sure what EFT does, it is about it's kind of a meditation. And also you are tapping your fingers on these points on your body. And they they guide you through which points and if you haven't ever done and I definitely recommend listening to the intro or watching a video on how to tap. But it's super easy. And what it does. And they've you can measure this they've measured it is that by tapping on these meridian points and can physically attaching like attaching a physical action to these sayings, these phrases that they that you say out loud, ideally, you are actually like physically calming down your nervous system.

So I just wanted to offer that. But sometimes anxiety can be really big. And there's sort of low grade anxiety. And then there's that really, really big one. So that was just one other tool. I wanted to pop in here as I was editing and going through it this morning. So a couple of other thoughts. Like I said, this is just my thoughts on anxiety. I'm no, no expert. And I will say like, I think that there are two levels of anxiety of like just sort of normal everyday and some of us are really practiced at it. And we're really good at it. And it's interesting to note that you can increase or decrease your anxiety you have that power. And I think so much of the time we feel so powerless to our anxiety like it's happening to us. But if you're open to and willing to play with anxiety, like bring it up in your body, when you're not feeling anxious. And as an experiment, notice Can you really increase it and make it worse with your thoughts or can decrease it, when you know that you can increase it or decrease it and you have power it gives you power over it. And again, it helps it to not become quite so bad, right? I can I can make this worse or better with my thoughts. And that is a choice that I'm making. Another thought on it is we need to really work on compassion. Now, what does that mean to have self compassion, compassion for ourselves? It's kind of abstract, right? But think about if one way you can do this is if you were talking to your best friend. And they were going through this and they were describing it, I'm anxious. Here's how it feels in my body. What would you say to them? He would be like, you got this? Huh, you might ask questions I find compassion is really based in curiosity, right? It's letting go of the judgment, saying, I wonder why we're feeling this way. Yeah, like, that's where you get all your thoughts out on paper. Of course, here's my crazy town thoughts. Like I said, when I was thinking about recording this, I wrote down all my thoughts, and I had all these crazy thoughts, like, everybody's gonna judge me, they're gonna reject me, they're gonna think I'm crazy. They're gonna think I'm stupid. They're gonna be like, what the hell is she talking about anxiety for? She has no idea what she's talking. I think it's really great to offer compassion and say, Oh, yeah, of course, you're feeling anxiety, because you're having all of those thoughts. Why is that? Why do I go there? Why is this become so natural and normal for me to go to anxiety? And I'll tell you from experience just a couple of years ago, I mean, three years ago, I had so much anxiety, talk about starting a business will bring up all of your anxiety, right? Like, it is the number one way to bring up anxiety in my mind. And so if you're going to be an entrepreneur, learning how to process and move through anxiety is so key is such a great, you really need this skill. And it is a skill, it gets better with practice. I mean, I was on the floor three years ago with anxiety and panic attacks. And that is, you know, that is me, elevating my anxiety on purpose. It didn't feel like it at the time, it felt like it was just happening to me, but I just let my thoughts run while I mean, I went to my you know, I'm talking about this, for my worst case scenario of I was gonna lose it all, I was gonna totally screw up other people's lives. And I was gonna end up in a van by down by the river. And I, I can look back now and say, yeah, of course, I was feeling anxiety. And course I was having panic attacks. Because my thinking was so negative. It was going to the worst, worst worst case scenario with no logic.

And when I started putting these tools into practice, the panic went away. Right, I have not had a panic attack. Since then, I recognize that I was getting really anxious when I would go work out because I think I was avoiding it and resisting it so much that I was like always doing something else to distract myself. I was over drinking, I was over stimulating with pocket like I never was alone and quiet right podcasts and, and I love podcasts, they can be used for great, they're a great tool, but we can buffer with them. books on you know, on Audible. I just never wanted there to be silence because I didn't want to hear it. Didn't want to look at it. And then I would go to a class. And I couldn't avoid it. I was me with some music in the background. And now in all sorts of thoughts as I was having uncomfortable body, right? I was often times after I would go work out that I would come home and have these panic attacks, which I thought was really interesting. And so as I've taken this realization in this power back that I can choose the level of anxiety that I'm going to experience based on my thoughts and I don't need to resist it. I don't need to react and I don't need to avoid it. Another thought is space. Allowing space for contrast. has been a big one in my life. That life is not black and white, right? It's not. I did some some things out. This is a great example. It's come up from a number of people. So you might recognize yourself in there but you take you have your product And you take samples to a store and you talk to a buyer? Or maybe you just drop them off, right? And you're putting yourself out there. And what's the big deal on that? Right? Either they like them or they don't. But so many of us create all of this anxiety and worry over that, and we make it such a big deal. And I want to offer that we go to that worst case scenario really quickly, oh, they're gonna hate it. It's black and white, they're gonna tell me it sucks. They're gonna tell me that I'm such an idiot for doing this. Why on earth would I ever bring your product in? And so we go this really dark place, right? It's like, and we get there, we can get there really fast. And we offer that there is good and bad. In the world, people are not all good. And people are not all bad. There is space for and, and there's space for the gray. And when that happens, when you start going to that anxious place? Are you willing to write it down? Write down those thoughts and look at them and say, what's the likelihood like in this situation? How likely is that they're going to say that? Right? So what's the big deal? Can I just let them have their own experience, and just allow it to be what it is. And maybe they'll like it, and maybe they won't. And I, I think that these smaller, less dangerous examples are an excellent way to develop micro tolerances. And I just, I think I just made that word up. But I've been thinking about it a lot. And I'm actually going to give you guys a challenge later this summer that will help you develop microtonic tolerances. This is really about building up your self confidence, and your trust with yourself. It's almost like when we lift weights, right, we are actually tearing the muscle, we are breaking down the muscle, which is uncomfortable in order for it to come back and repair and be stronger, which allows us to lift heavier and heavier weights, right? So can you create some space, and some purposeful exercises, where you are building up those micro tolerances, and practicing with allowing and moving through anxiety. So it doesn't have to be in your business, it could be in a lot of different things. But how can you put yourself out there in a place that you can feel, you could allow the anxiety and do something a little out of your comfort zone, and then process the anxiety. So we don't want to go you know, when we're lifting weights, we don't want to walk into the gym not having done anything and try to lift a 50 pound weights not gonna work, we're gonna really hurt ourselves. It's like, it's not go to the Olympic level exercise. Let's start small, with and we're going to build up to the big ones. So if there's something you're really really anxious about, don't start there. Start building up your self confidence with these small exercises with purposely putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, putting yourself out there showing up doing a real, right we have a real challenge reals challenge on our private Facebook group right now.

And I am asking people to make a commitment, am I going to post a real day I'm going to post one three times a week, once a week, whatever it is, that you're going to put yourself out there. Now that is harmless, right? But a lot of you are going to have anxiety about creating reels, I don't know how to do it, people are gonna hate it, no one's gonna watch it. Oh my gosh, right, like, but that can't hurt you unless you allow it to hurt you. So that's what I mean by putting yourself out there and these little micro tolerant creating micro tolerances by putting yourself out of your comfort zone. And if you want to join us in the real challenge, come on over to the private Facebook group, and start posting them and then we're gonna help each other to grow our audience and our awareness. It's such a win win. You're building up confidence. You're allowing anxiety to come up and realize it's not a big deal. And we're going to your Facebook or your Instagram audience, right. This was a big aha for me recently. I've been reading this book called The Book of moods. Lauren something, I'll put the link in the show notes for it. And something she said it was kind of an offhand it wasn't really, I don't know if it was really the point even of the chapter but she talks a lot about her anxiety. She mentions trust. And this was a big aha for me that one of the reasons I think that I have lessened my anxiety is definitely by allowing it but on the flip side of that is building trust with myself and here's what I mean by As I have practice doing these micro tolerance exercises I have gotten, I have built up my trust that things are going to be okay that I can get through that, that I can do hard things and come out on the other side, and not beat myself up. No matter what the outcome is, if nobody watches my reel, you guys will see I've been posting almost every day, a real, and some of them have a lot of views. And some of them have like 100. And no matter what, I have trust with myself that I will not beat myself up, I will have my own back. I'm not going to be like, stupid. Here's so stupid. Why on earth did you do that? I cannot believe you put yourself out there, right, it's not going to happen, I have made a choice to practice trusting myself and having my own back. And I have done this with bigger things I trust that I will get put things on my calendar and they will get done. That I'm not going to hope that I do that work, or that project, or that real, I'm not going to hope that we have that meeting. No, it's on my calendar, and it is good as done. In a future episode, I'm going to share with you how to be more productive, and how to plan your week, and how I do it. And hopefully that will help you be more productive. But I have built up absolute trust in myself that I will follow through. And I want you to really think if you it's most likely that you don't have that trust with yourself. Most people don't. We it's kind of like when you go you make that New Year's resolution like in the back of your mind. You're like Yeah, yeah, right. I doubt that's gonna happen, right? So there's, I have built up through practice a level of trust with myself. And that has made a huge difference. So I want to offer that to you. How could you start to trust yourself more? When you put something down, like I'm going to email kitchens and get appointments, or I'm going to drop those samples off. And not let it ruin me. Right? I'm going to have my own back, I'm going to trust that I got me without judgment, and a release all of that I'm going to trust that things will be okay, that people are good that I'm good. I'm good and bad. But I'm gonna trust that. I got it. And I got me I got my own back. And I will follow through I will do what I say I honor my word. And are you honoring your word to yourself? I think we on our board to our family and friends to our work. But are you honoring your word to yourself?

And sometimes anxiety just doesn't go away, no matter how much we try to think good thoughts, right? And try to build trust. And I want to offer that you can use anxiety for you to serve you and that my mentor likes to say, sometimes you're just carrying it around like a heavy purse. Like anxiety doesn't mean stop. And especially when you are building a business, are you willing to feel anxiety and do it anyway. And so sometimes we just have to get to work. We have our list our tasks, and we don't let anxiety, say stop. Like I said, it is a dream killer. And it's a dream slower downer. And instead say, Well, this is anxiety, and just kind of repeat that sad awareness piece. Right? This is anxiety. And you might just feel it all damn day. And just think about like you're carrying it around like a heavy purse. And maybe there's some rocks in that purse. And can we lighten our load a little bit by taking out some of those really nasty thoughts? Sure. But sometimes it's just there and it's this low level, you know, Buzz and low grade anxiety. But anxiety actually is like, like I said before is it fuels you into action. It has energy behind it. It's not the same as you know, peace is not what you need to build your business like I talked about last week with feelings and using them to build your business. using them for you. So sometimes anxiety can at least get us into action, right. And using that energy to say, Well, I'm feeling anxiety, and I'm going to channel it into doing a real, I'm going to channel it into creating an email, I'm going to channel it into filling out my paperwork, whatever it is just take action, in spite of anxiety, that is possible for you, I promise. And I will tell you, as I've processed and work through my anxiety, to even today, right, as I was working through the anxiety of how this podcast, I got to, I trust myself to say exactly what one person needs to hear that I have the right words to say to one person to help them move through their anxieties. So they so you, I'm talking to you get started on your packaged food dream that you launch your product, that you scale your product that you realize, you step into your success, what ever that is for you. This podcast is about helping you move through your anxiety, transform your anxiety, I do not want anxiety to be your dream killer, that is no reason not to go into action. So that is why I am willing to be vulnerable today and put myself out there. And one last thing I want to offer as I mentioned at the beginning of this buffering, and there is anxiety is a feeling for sure. But I want you to like play with and consider be open to the possibility that you are using anxiety as a go to response to avoid another feeling that you feel like is going to be worse. Now anxiety doesn't feel good. Why on earth would we choose anxiety to avoid something else. But again, those pathways in our brain are so well worn, it becomes familiar, and it's like, well, I know what that feels like, even if it feels terrible. And let's just take the case of like dropping off samples and feeling the feeling you're probably trying to avoid his vulnerability, rejection and feeling judged. Right? Those are probably the emotions you are desperately wanting not to feel. So you do the hard thing. And anxiety comes up because you're actually because that's the familiar thing. And you're actually avoiding what feels like a harder emotion, feeling exposed, feeling vulnerable. But again, the same is true. We can process we can do any emotion. How does vulnerability feel it feels more open and exposed, like my heart is just like, wide open, right? And someone's gonna come along and start hacking it up. But again, if I can trust that I can work through it, I can allow it and I got my own back no matter what.

Even if I got a bunch of reviews from this podcast that said this was terrible. I'm never listening again. I got my own back because I'm willing to feel vulnerable. And when you drop off those samples or you put your reel up, are you doing a live video, you may actually be buffering with worry and anxiety. So think about it like anxiety is known. You know what anxiety feels like? It feels terrible, but you know what it's like versus the uncomfortableness of vulnerability. So I like to say worry pretends to be necessary and I have done my best to go on a worry free diet because it serves no one and certainly not my dreams and definitely not my mental health. So that is definitely food for thought as taking it to the next level but are you buffering with anxiety to slow you down to help you avoid feeling the real emotions of rejection or judgment or vulnerability? Well, I will just say I'll wrap this up by saying I'm proud of myself. I got my own back. No matter what anyone says. I think that this episode was well worth the time and moving through my own anxiety. And I just I would love for you guys to let me know if this episode was helpful for you. Send me an email Hello at Food Biz Success calm I'm or leave a review here. Go to our private Facebook group and comment. We always have a podcast thread where you can make comments, let me know was this helpful for you? Do you think you could do this? Would you be willing? If what's on the other side of anxiety is going to work on your business and being the badass that you are being a badass business owner doing hard things? Are you willing to do that? I hope so I would love to work with you and help you work through this inside Food Business Success. Because that is where badassery happens. When you're held accountable, and you know there's community supporting you, you are more willing to show up to do the hard things and to feel the true emotions that come up and work through them to process those emotions. Thank you guys so much for listening today. And until next time, have an amazing week.

Are you ready to start that delicious idea that you make in your home kitchen, or grow your existing packaged food business and take it to the next level? The most successful food business entrepreneurs have support, guidance, focus and accountability to help them make it happen quickly without wasting time or money. Plus, I think starting your packaged food business should actually be fun. Food Business Success is your secret ingredient to creating your food business dream. Please don't go this alone. Check out the private free Food Business Success Facebook group to connect with other foodpreneurs, get your questions answered quickly, share your wins and receive special training and tools I only share inside the private community. Just search for Food Business Success on Facebook, or get the link in the show notes. Curious about how Food Business Success can help you? Head over to FoodBizSuccess.com and fill out the application to see if you're a great fit for the program. Together let's make your food business dream a reality.

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