Get the CEO Checklist here

Transform your business from hot mess to HELL YES

A CPG business intensive that helps you go from "maker" to CEO

✔ Master your systems

✔ Master your financials

✔ Master your actions

Don't wait! Lock in huge bonuses when you apply by 10/5

Apply Today! →

Remember when you thought launching your business would be the hard part?

(That was cute.)

Almost all CPG entrepreneurs start out with a fantasy of what business ownership will be like –  just get it off the ground and voila - a fun and easy business with customers lined up to buy.

But now that it’s off the ground, you’re white knuckling it to avoid a crash and burn.

And your still as clueless as ever as to what's like throwing spaghetti at the wall.




  • Constantly give the business too much of your time, money, and energy
  • Wear all the hats and do all the things from making the product to creating the social posts to packing the boxes
  • Have no repeatable systems in place
  • Don’t know who to hire or how to train them
  • Aren’t as profitable as you should be (or are actually losing money)
  • Feel guilty about the work/life imbalance
  • Don’t know how much longer you can really keep this up…

The truth is every business goes through growing pains, but the ones who create foundations, systems, and guardrails are the ones that actually succeed in building a beautiful business they love (and that loves them back).

Master your Business for more time, more freedom, more money, and more fun.


A chaotic business tastes… really bad. That’s why we’ve designed this program to give you the necessary skills every CPG business needs to scale sustainably for impact and legacy.

We’ll tackle: 

  1. Foundation. Once you have a clearly defined mission, vision, and values, you’ll be able to identify your ultimate objectives and develop a strategy to meet them. 
  2. Functions. You’ll learn how to manage your operations, understand your financials, and get the back end in order so you can run it like a CEO.
  3. Freedom. Today your business revolves around you, but this course will set it up to run on autopilot, with the right people in place, crystal clear direction and systems, so you can do the things you love and hand off the rest.  

Meet your guides

Hi, I’m Sari, CEO, entrepreneur, coach, author, and foodie… 

And when it comes to this industry I’ve sat in nearly every seat at the table. Throughout my career, I’ve:

  • Served as a buyer and Marketing Director for Whole Foods Market
  • Managed a commissary kitchen
  • Run a wholesale program for a national brand
  • Coached 100’s of entrepreneurs in business and mindset

It doesn't matter how great your product is, if you aren't willing to learn (and love) what it means to run a business as a CEO, you have a hobby business.

Most hobby businesses fail in the first five years because they run the founder ragged and resentment builds up. 

After creating Food Business Success in 2019 and helping 100s of founders launch, I was mystified by their inability to get past this start up stage and felt their frustration at the business that was taking everything from them and not giving anything back. 

Until I read two books that changed everything: E Myth by Michael Gerber and 10X Is Easier Than 2X by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy.

Eureka! Master Your Business was launched in January of 2023 and over 30 founders have unlocked the formula to confidently step into their role as CEO and create a beautiful business they love. 

And you can too!

Yours in CEO success,


Sari Kimbell Business Coach in Fuel
Sari Kimbell Business Coach in Fuel

Meet your guides

Hi, I’m Danny Walsh, Founder, CEO, entrepreneur, coach, and coffee lover… 

Now in his fifth year in business, Danny, founder of Peak State Coffee, is taking his business to the next level using the foundations of what we do in Master Your Business.

He brings a unique perspective as a founder who has grown a $300K+ business in

  • Ecommerce with recurring subscriptions through dialed in marketing and email strategies
  • Farmers markets that give him the necessary cash flow to operate the business without taking on huge debt or equity shares
  • Expanding wholesale accounts nationwide
  • Winning pitch competitions around the country including Naturally Boulder Pitch Slam and Colorado Food Awards

Danny has an MBA in Business from Northeastern and is passionate about helping others in the CPG space.

He is obsessed with making business easier and more automated to spend more time in the outdoors climbing mountains.

The investment, what's included and what is expected of you:

In Master Your Business

No sugar coating here. We’re giving you everything you need, but it’s up to you to give it your all. When you do, you’ll get: 

  • One year of access to our MYB business leader community with coaches Sari Kimbell and Danny Walsh available to help you set up a self managing company
  • 12 cohort meetings a month over 12 months with Sari or Danny
  • Quarterly 1:1 strategy sessions (or upgrade to Platinum for more 1:1 calls with Sari)
  • A crystal-clear vision of who you are and where you want to go 
  • A completed business forecast to set you up for a $300K year in sales 
  • A defined operating manual, organizational chart, business plan, and hiring plan
  • Problem-solving tools to rely as a CEO on when things don’t go according to plan
  • Ability to make informed decisions and take data-backed risks to go to the next level in your business
  • How to hire and delegate the right way the first time
  • Your ticket out of the “I have to do it all myself” mindset
  • Greater confidence in the future of your business
  • Everything you need to pitch the bank or investors for financing
  • BONUS - you get a year of Fuel VIP with additional coaching calls and a monthly expert call too 
  • Knowing that no matter what curveballs and obstacles show up in your business (which they will!), you have an expert and community you can turn to for support and answers
I'm ready for my success!

Kira's experience, founder of Puuro

"Taking the Master Your Business course with Sari has been a game-changer for my business. The course taught me how to truly think like a CEO, shifting my approach from just being the creator to leading my company with intention. I learned the importance of putting clear processes in place and taking a deep dive into the numbers—something I previously shied away from.


More than anything, the class taught me accountability and gave me the confidence to tackle the hard things in my business.


Sari’s understanding of so many aspects of owning a small business is invaluable. Her teaching style is gentle yet firm, with a no-bullshit approach that really drives progress. With her guidance, I now have a clearer vision, better organization, and a much stronger handle on my business’s financial health.


I can't recommend this course enough for anyone looking to level up their entrepreneurial game!"

Hungry for the details?

Here’s how this works:

Step 1: Apply 

This program is curated and we want to be sure you are at the right stage in your business to do this work.

Submit your application. We’ll learn more about you, where your business is at now, and where you want to be.

You'll receive a personalized response and if it's a yes to move forward, Sari will get on a call to answer your questions. 

Then you can select your program level and payment plan. 

Step 2: Attend Pre-Launch Calls

Students who enroll in the fall are invited to a bonus quarter of calls to prepare you wrap up 2024 and prepare you for the year ahead. 

We officially kick off on September 24th with a masterclass by Stephen Adelé, Author of Ready Set Scale; How to Scale Your Business Without Losing Your Soul

Then we will have a 90 minute prep call in October, November, and December to start the annual planning process before MYB officially 2025 begins. 

Step 3: Start Mastering Your Business

You will have access to the curriculum on January 1, 2025.

Our first call is January 21st and the last call is December 9th

Calls are on select Tuesdays at 12pm MT for 90 minutes.

Program includes

12 business video course modules

12 group coaching calls (Jan-April, and Sept-Dec)

4 private quarterly strategy sessions with Sari.

It all boils down to this...

if you’re busy driving the entrepreneurial struggle bus, your unique skills and talents are not being utilized effectively.

Make the investment now to set up systems and a foundation that give you your time and money freedom back and finally, Master Your Business.


The money-back guarantee

The Foundation to Scale to $300K 

Make more money and enjoy more free time in 2026 or we'll refund your money.

To qualify for the guarantee you must complete all 12 modules with worksheets and activities, attend 10 out of 12 cohort coaching calls and schedule/attend all four strategy sessions with Sari.  

Apply todays →

MYB is ideal for you if:

  • Have been in business for at least 3 months with some traction in sales
  • Struggle to reach $25K in sales per month
  • Still aren’t paying yourself (even if the sales are there)
  • Finally ready to build systems that scale so you don't have to be the only one running the business
  • Are ready to become a CEO and create a beautiful business that goes beyond your delicious product

You may want to sit this one out if you:

  • Aren't sure if you want to be the CEO of your and make the investment to have this business this finally work for your life
  • Are not willing to learn or try CEO-level business scaling systems
  • Are still in the ideas phase and haven’t launched yet (the signature program by Food Business Success might be for you!)
  • Just want to do it all yourself (and make all the rookie mistakes)

Here's the best advice I can give you as a CEO myself who has invested over $100K in programs and coaching to create a beautiful business:

Don't let the money investment decide for you.

Decide FIRST if this program is what YOU need to create a beautiful business that gives you the time and money freedom you imagined when you started your business.  

Go ahead and apply if it feels like it might be right for you. We will get on a call and make sure it is a HECK YES and then figure out the money.

There is always a way if the will is strong enough. That's what entrepreneurship is all about!


And, so you have a rough number in mind, I have seen other CPG coaching programs like this start at $6000 and go up to $15K or more.


The MYB program starts at $3660 (platinum option available with additional 1:1 CEO coaching calls) and can be paid in monthly installments for up to 15 months - that's $244/mo.


PLUS there is a $150 or $10/mo discount when you apply by October 31st 2024 making your payment just $234!

Apply here

The sooner you apply, the more bonuses you get!

Ready to do this entrepreneur thing with support?
Here's the breakdown on the program costs and payment plans if we both feel it is the right fit.


$244/mo - 15 payments

or pay in full to save $360

This package includes:

  • Ready Set Scale Call replay with Stephen Adelé  (includes a copy of the book!)
  • Q4 2024 Bonus Calls and Trainings
  • 12 MYB group coaching calls
  • 12 month access to MYB curriculum to help you scale and create a self-managing company
  • A 45-minute quarterly strategy call with Sari
  • Fuel VIP includes two group coaching calls, power hour and expert guest VIP call each month


$440/mo - 15 payments

or pay in full to save $500

 This package includes:

  • Everything from the standard Master Your Business program 
  • Monthly 10X CEO call (75-minutes; 12 total) with Sari to develop and execute your beautiful business roadmap, end procrastination and go 10X in your business!
  • Private 1:1 communication channel to keep all of our decisions and notes